Canaries Available For Sale
Sunnyvale, California

Sold Out, taking a hiatus from breeding canaries for awhile.

I do not recommend shipping. Read Why I Don't Ship Birds. If I'm too far from you, search for an American Singer canary breeder closer to you in the ASC Breeder Referral List or the Western Waterslager Club Breeders List

Gender descriptions:

Proven Males and Singers are guarenteed to sing within 2 weeks after pickup. If the bird does not sing and is otherwise healthy and not molting, then the bird may be returned for a full refund. Or, the buyer may keep the bird and accept a partial refund of the price difference between a male and female of the same age. The bird may also be exchanged for another male if one is available for sale. Hens that turn out to be males but are otherwise healthy may be returned or exchanged for another hen.

There is no health guarentee because a healthy bird can become sick or even die within a day due to improper care. This includes but is not limited to putting the bird in a draft, exposing the bird to smoke or toxic fumes, and not providing water in a drinker that the bird recognizes. The buyer is welcome to examine the bird, or have a friend come along to examine the bird at my house before purchase. It is recommended that the buyer purchase and read a book on canary care.

I feed my birds pellets. A sample of this food is included with all bird purchases and information on where to buy. The bird's pedigree going back 3 generations is also provided.

Photo Examples of Colors and Markings on the ASC Website

Base Color Descriptions:

Marking descriptions:

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